offline with Andrew King (Edition 4)

Andrew King - Feature

In our 4th “offline” edition, we catch-up with N Brown Group’s Head of Performance Media Andrew King, and find out how he overcame his biggest fear; the book that has transformed his thinking and much much more! 

Why did you move into a career in digital marketing?

It wasn’t really planned! When I graduated from university I didn’t know what I wanted to do for a career. I moved to London and took an apprenticeship with an ecommerce startup called WorldStores, initially running their Amazon marketplace store. I’ve always had a strong head for numbers and after a year or so was offered a place on the PPC team. Back then it was all manual bidding and I spent a lot of time crunching numbers in huge spreadsheets as we sought to find the optimal bid for every possible keyword!

It was a great feeling to find something that I really enjoyed doing and that I was good at. I feel very lucky to have fallen into a sector that has offered me great opportunities to grow as my career has progressed and develop a skill set that is highly desired across nearly all forms of business today.

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How do you switch off?

I love to read (more on that below!) and I love being a dad to my two young children. I am lucky to work for a business that supports working parents at all levels throughout the organisation, so I can be present when I’m with them and enjoy watching them grow up.

What’s your favourite book?

Atomic Habits

I’m not sure I can pick just one! Two books that have had a huge impact on who I am today (both personally and professionally) are Mindset by Carol Dweck and Atomic Habits by James Clear. I always recommend them both if people ask!

As I mentioned above, I love to read and find I can always find a book on whatever topic happens to be on my mind at the time. One of the key concepts in Atomic Habits is that of marginal gains, so I’m always seeking a new learning opportunity to see if I can gain some small improvement in an aspect of my life.

I really enjoy autobiographies too and often take a lot of inspiration from hearing the stories of others.

What’s on your watchlist (streaming services)?

I don’t watch a huge amount of TV outside of live sport. I’m a big Star Wars fan and really enjoyed watching The Mandalorian, so I hope there isn’t too long a wait for a new season of that!

What’s your favourite inspirational quote?

“Change is an opportunity to grow.”

Change can be uncomfortable to go through and nearly always arrives at the what feels like an inconvenient time. Whenever I am going through a difficult moment either at home or at work I try to remind myself that it is only temporary and that when I get through the other side, I’ll be better for the experience.

What’s your proudest professional achievement to-date?

Probably taking the stage at our colleague conference earlier this year and speaking in front of hundreds of people for the first time. I’m naturally quite introverted and about 20-months before I had turned down the opportunity to speak at a trading huddle on Black Friday as I was overcome with anxiety at the thought of talking in front of a large audience.

Andrew King Support Image

I wasn’t happy with the situation afterwards and decided it was something worth working on, taking baby steps at first before gradually over time standing up and talking to larger and larger groups (including at a friend’s wedding).

Eventually the opportunity came up to take part in the conference and I said yes. I was very nervous on the morning of (barely eating any breakfast which is not like me!) but I was well prepared and very proud when the moment came that I was able to do it!

What 1 thing would you tell your younger self?

Don’t be afraid to fail. When I was young I was often afraid to take risks and if I thought something would be hard or that I might not succeed, I’d find an excuse not to do it. As I’ve grown older I’ve thankfully been able to replace some of those unhelpful beliefs and embrace failure as a part of life and learning.

What’s your favourite holiday destination that you’ve travelled to?

It has to be somewhere warm, either by a beach or with a swimming pool. I loved Thailand but that was a long time ago now when I’d just finished university.

Thailand Beach

This year we went to France for our family holiday which was great (especially the wine and cheese!).

Japan is the next place I’d like to visit but I think we’ll wait a few years as I don’t fancy a 12-hour flight with a two-year old!


What’s the biggest challenge facing digital marketers right now?

It’s becoming harder and harder to accurately measure the impact of what we do. Ad platforms such as Google and Meta are excellent at putting ads in front of customers who are about to convert and then claim the credit for the conversion.

Building a measurement framework that tells you which of your marketing activities are driving the most incremental value is vitally important, but is highly complex and requires constant investment to keep up with the pace of change we see across the industry.

About Andrew…

Andrew King (offline 2024)

Andrew has over 12-years’ experience working at client-side e-commerce businesses. He started out in a trading role before quickly moving into PPC as part of the fast-growing start up businesses, WorldStores and The Protein Works.

He is currently Head of Performance Media at N Brown Group in Manchester, where he oversees all biddable media across the group’s portfolio of brands. Connect with Andrew on LinkedIn.

Related Content:

offline with Dane Stanley
offline with Nicola Travis
offline with Jaime Hill



offline with Nicola Travis (Edition 3)

offline with Nicola Travis

In our third “offline” edition, we catch-up with Beauty Bay’s Head of CRM Nicola Travis, and find why she thinks Sat Nav is the best thing ever, what she’s reading and her thoughts on the biggest challenge facing digital marketers right now!

Why did you move into a career in marketing?

It was actually a little accidental… I was working in sports and fitness, and then moved into sportswear, and learnt from the ground up in a small business. From covering every aspect of marketing there – website build, brochures and key accounts (including the Australian national team and a visit to Sydney in 2000!), I moved into an analytical role and developed a focus on customer marketing which very much appealed to my nature.

I would say my ‘why’ is based on the results we create, the insights we work from and the teams we work with. It’s great to be bringing impactful changes to brands and performance. I enjoy the variety that marketing roles allow – definitely learning new things in every single one – and always I hope keeping a practical, logical and developmental mindset as these are the aspects of marketing which appeal to me overall.

How do you switch off?

Usually very easily – its either exercise, fresh air, good friends, or fun times. And also spending time with my son – he once wrote some years ago in answer to a quiz including ‘what is your mum’s job’ the clear response ‘I am’….. so all clear on that!

It’s been full on this week particularly, so I am off to Ladybower Reservoir early doors tomorrow to trot round and clear the head.

What’s your favourite book (personal and professional)?

The Hearts Invisible Furies

Today I would say The Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne, but on a different day I may say a Maggie o Farrell or a Jon Mcgregor book, or maybe the best is to come.

Professionally I loved Atomic Habits, Thinking Fast and Slow, and also a book called Showing Up, Making an Impact at work by Tim Robson which has a brilliant analogy around the fact that work is not school so we should behave accordingly – worth a read for the comparison of ‘show and tell’ at school to workplace meetings!

What music artist are you listening to the most in 2024?

Difficult one, as a Gen X’r my formative years are all DJs and mix tapes and not really artists so I still operate a bit like that! I am a huge fan of 6music however, saw Goldfrapp live most recently, and have the Sunsets / Chicane podcast playing a lot. This week though it’s about Barry Can’t Swim which seems to have stuck around my spotify list for some time!

What’s your favourite inspirational quote?

I have a huge collection….. literally a pinterest board full of them. The one at the top is ‘Trust the Timing of your Life’ which looks anonymous but is certainly proven.

Fun fact about you?

Nicola Travis - Fun Fact

I have a total lack of sense of direction, can get lost in a shop, and therefore think Sat Nav is the greatest thing ever. Anyone who has ever walked with me to a meeting room in a large building knows this – and thanks to them all not for laughing.

I once walked into the wrong floor in a large building and wondered where on earth my desk had gone – literally, no spatial awareness at all. I lose my car in every carpark, don’t ever ask me for directions. Is that fun?? I’ve run several marathons and one of the reasons its relaxing is because I am out and about without having to navigate – I’ve been asked so many times where a route is, and I’m always clear – I won’t be leading, so I don’t need to know! Ladybower is a loop by the way so I’ll be ok tomorrow, but running round a reservoir is definitely a don’t get lost tactic.

What’s your proudest professional achievement to-date?

Good question – and I thought about some of the projects, business growths, and customer impacts I’ve been proud of, but then settled on the team and people celebrations that have been the most rewarding. Where team members have grown and developed, and seen their own progress and achievement, and where colleagues have referenced how they’ve benefitted from our time together and enjoyed it – there are a few specific cases that make me very happy over my CRM  / Marketing years, I have a little collection of notes from team members that makes me very happy.

What 1 thing would you tell your younger self?

See inspirational quote! I’d also tell myself travel more I think, that’s my aim just now anyway.

Living in the countryside, City or by the beach?

Beach all day long.

What’s the biggest challenge facing marketers right now?

I think the landscape just changes all the time. Right now it’s all post covid, fragmented media, privacy changes, competitive markets, cost of living and so on, but we’ve already dealt with channel proliferation, Brexit, GDPR, and a whole host of macro challenges. I think we have a responsibility to accept, and expect challenges – and work onward with good spirit!

About Nicola…

Nicola Travis Biog

Nicola has 24 years of experience across Marketing and eCommerce and has developed customer marketing solutions both in  retail brands and in data agency – working across multiple verticals as a Client Director at More2 and The Tapestry Agency,

Establishing and growing key customer metrics in house at retailers like Matalan, The Fragrance Shop, and currently Beauty Bay, her work has developed loyalty programmes and CRM technology for key impact in Customer Director and Head of CRM roles. Connect with Nicola on Linkedin.


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Feature in offline



Offline with Dane Stanley (September 2024)

Dane (New Design Small)

In our second “offline” edition, we catch-up with Sosandar’s  former eCommerce Director Dane Stanley, and find out his connection with Star Wars, how he switches off, his advice to digital marketers…and much much more!

Why did you move into a career in digital marketing?

I consider myself very lucky as it was largely through opportunity rather than design. After a very brief time in business development (I was a terrible salesperson) I landed my first marketing role with Phones 4u. It was a highly entrepreneurial environment and at the time the website was little more than a store locator. One of my first projects was to launch a transactional website and put in place the digital marketing to support what was at that point, the UKs fastest growing high street retailer. It was a fantastic ‘learning by doing’ environment, and very result focussed, which laid the foundations for the next 25 years.

How do you switch off?

I’m a recently retired age group triathlete. The retirement means I no longer need to punish myself in a swimming pool 4 times a week, but I still enjoy getting out around the Peak District on my bike and doing the odd run.

I’m also finding getting frustrated on a golf course being a great way of switching off.

What’s your favourite book? 

For those who know me this may come as a surprise personally it’s Wuthering Heights. I first read it as part of my English A-level and I still love it just as much. Heathcliff has his flaws (don’t we all) but he is such a compelling and complex character.

Professionally (and it’s tenuous) is “Start at the End” by Dan Bingham. A great story of setting goals, designing process to achieve them and the continuous search for improving.

What’s on your watchlist (streaming services)?

Slow Horses

I’m currently binging Top Boy (yes, I know I’m behind the times) and looking forward to starting the next series of Slow Horses.



What’s your favourite inspirational quote?

It’s less of a quote and more of a mantra. “Relentless forward progress”. My triathlon coach kept that front of mind whilst racing Ironman, but it works in every situation where ‘it’, whatever ‘it maybe, seems difficult. Breaking challenging goals down into smaller, less daunting tasks allows you keep moving forwards, whether that’s a professional objective, or putting one foot in front of the other after 10 hours of racing.

Fun fact about you?

Luke Skywalker

My middle name is “Luke” as my dad was watching Star Wars at the cinema when my mum went into labour J It could have been worse I guess…Dane ‘Darth Vader’ Stanley anyone?

What’s your most proud professional achievement to-date?

It would be easy to talk about the likes of launching Missguided or online banking service for SMEs, building the foundation for digital transformation at the Co-op group, delivering award winning campaigns such as the Baddie Winkle collaboration at Missguided, or building an online customer experience that allowed Slater and Gordon to be the first legal brand to retain the top position in the legal services Top 100 brands.

However, I’m prouder of the teams I’ve been able to build and the people I’ve hopefully helped to develop, and seeing those people to go on to have success.

What 1 thing would you tell your younger self?

Whatever you are doing, enjoy the journey and not just the result.

What was your favourite memory/experience from watching the Olympics?


I loved seeing Alex Yee claim the triathlon gold medal in thrilling fashion, a real demonstration of never giving up, giving yourself a chance and making what seems impossible happen.



What’s the biggest opportunity that digital marketers should make the most of?

There are so many, and the risk is that focussing on too many dilutes your effectiveness. The magpie mentality (“ooooh look, shiny new tech / service”) is all too common in our industry.

So, getting the basics right represents the biggest opportunity.

Understand your customer and challenge your assumptions about them. Understand what they want, and how your product and service meet than need. Know your points of parity and what makes a difference that would encourage customers to choose your brand rather than a competitor. Get close to the metrics that underpin your businesses performance and test how they can be improved (continuously!!!)

“Digital” is just a lense to achieve the above.

What’s your personal favourite brand?

I’m a massive fan of an organisation I was lucky to work for, the Co-op Group. It’s beliefs have kept it relevant since 1863 and as a brand, it lives its purpose every single day. I’ve loved seeing it’s rejuvenation in recent years and I really hope that continues.

About Dane…

Dane Stanley

Dane has 25 years of experience across Marketing and eCommerce and has a track record covering a variety of sectors including retail, financial and professional services across the globe.

He has driven both growth and transformation with brands such as Santander, Nationwide, Travelex, Co-op Group, Missguided, In The Style and Slater and Gordon. Most recently he was eCommerce Director at Sosandar. Connect with Dane on Linkedin.


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Offline with Jaime Hill (August 2024)

Offline with Jaime Hill

In our very first “offline” edition, we catch-up with Oak Furnitureland and Monsoon’s former Head of eCommerce Jaime Hill, and find out what’s on her streaming list, favourite book…as well as what advice she would give her younger self.

Why did you move into a career in digital?

I fell into it. Wasn’t my chosen career path, but it was a natural progression from the offline marketing I was doing at the time, and I grabbed the opportunity as it arose. Soon found I really enjoyed it and was pretty good at it to boot.

How do you switch off?

Exercise. Only way I can switch off. I literally focus on nothing but what I’m doing. Great for stress relief too. My preferred exercise is running, or weightlifting.

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What’s your favourite book (personal and professional)

Personal: No current favourite, but I’m very partial to Nordic crime – Norwegian and Icelandic at the moment. Professional: Today it’s Emotion by Design by Greg Hoffman or Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull, but it changes daily.

What’s on your watchlist (streaming services)?

Offline with JH

Disney: Young Woman at Sea, Lance, Grey’s Anatomy, Free Solo

Netflix: Emily in Paris, Unsolved Mysteries, Sprint, The Umbrella Academy, Mountain Queen


What’s your favourite inspirational quote?

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” By Ayn Rand.

Fun fact about you?

I used to be a very good track athlete in my youth, ranking 4th Nationally in my age group for multi-events. I’m also a PADI qualified scuba diver and can ride a motorbike.

What’s your most proud professional achievement to-date?

Too many to mention, but they range from campaign achievements, to building successful teams, to launching new features & functionality, to achieving tough financial targets. There’s at least one thing from each role I’ve had that I can be very proud of!

What 1 thing would you tell your younger self?

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, work hard and find a way to do it, to get what you want.

What’s been your favourite Olympic Event from Paris 2024?

Women’s 800m final, my old event! Closely followed by the Men’s 1500m final and the Sport Climbing.




What’s the biggest opportunity in digital right now?

Customer experience, leading to loyalty. Too many brands are missing a trick to retain customers by not focusing on improving their overall customer experience. Too often they focus on the experience, or parts of, to obtain a customer, but don’t think about joining up the journey once they become a customer and often neglect them.

And anything involving data – too many organisations have data in too many places, not always accessible or usable by those who need it. Once you have a clear understanding of your data, and therefore customers & their behaviours, you are in a better position to both attract and retain customers with various initiatives. Dirty data means bad decision making and costs you money. And in the case of AI, dirty data can lead to bias and poor experiences.

About Jaime…

Jaime Hill

Jaime has over two decades of experience as a Marketing & Ecommerce professional with a successful track record leading teams and developing strategy to transform organisations’ digital capability and channels to market.

She has had success in roles at brands including Avis, Barclays, Dairy Crest and Oak Furnitureland, and across a wide range of B2B and B2C vertical markets. Most recently, Jaime was Interim Head of Ecommerce & Trading at Monsoon.

A graduate of the Institute of Digital Marketing and qualified Executive Business Coach, Jaime’s professional passion is for making life easier for the customer at every touch point. Connect with Jaime on LinkedIn

Upcoming e-Event: Digital Superchats 14



Supercharging Digital Performance in 2024

Digital Superchats 13 - Post

At the recent edition of Digital Superchats, our industry speakers examined a number of topical issues ranging from leveraging psychology to drive website traffic to supercharging digital performance with a fully connected approach. 

The online session on Tuesday 21st May 2024 was e-attended by senior digital marketers from many of the UK’s biggest and most reputable brands in retail, fashion, ecommerce, finance, travel, legal, healthcare, leisure & lifestyle, automotive and consumer products.

Delegates included: Next, Gymshark, First Direct, Aon, Morrisons, Superdrug, TalkTalk, Matalan, Wickes, JD Sports, Pets at Home, Vertu Motors, Zenith Auto, On The Beach, Park Holidays and many more…

The Talks:

  • Maximising your Marketing Effectiveness with Experimentation              
  • Boosting SEO Effectiveness with Low Cost, High Return Digital PR Campaigns
  • Supercharging your Business Performance with a Fully Connected Approach
  • Navigating Beyond Search and Social: Unleashing Programmatic’s Potential

A massive thanks to all our speakers: Mike Weir (Head of Behavioural Science at Impression), Amanda Walls (Director – Head of SEO at Cedarwood Digital), Rosa Mitchell (Business Director at connective3) and Tom Walkden (Media Strategy Director at idhl).

A special thanks to  Jamie Pollard (Impression) for doing a fantastic job in his role as MC!

Registration is Open for Next Digital Superchats e-Event

Registration Open for Next Digital Superchats e-Event

If you’d like to join us at the 13th online edition of Digital Superchats, you can now book your seat to e-attend the online event, which will focus on the area of Digital Strategy, Performance & Effectiveness.

When: Tuesday 21st May 2024
Time: 9.00am to 11.00am (UK Time)
Format: Online Session (Webinar-Based)

At Digital Superchats 13, our industry experts will deliver a series of short talks – Sharing the latest thinking, strategies and real-life examples for accelerating  online growth and optimising digital peformance & effectiveness.

Register to e-Attend

Previous Delegates Include:
Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, Iceland, Ikea Group, Next, Wickes,  Argos, Matalan, Dunelm, Benson for Beds, Sofology, ScS, Sharps, Specsavers, Pets at Home, Pooch and Mutt, Barclays, Aon, Aviva, Nationwide Building Society, Lloyds Group, Vitality, HSBC, Nat West Group, Virgin Money, FOOTASYLUM, Hotter Shoes, JD Sports Fashion, Castore, Decathlon UK, Inov-8, Gymshark, Fanatics, Superdry, French Connection, Missguided, Boohoo, PrettyLittleThing, NastyGal, N Brown,  Naylors – Go Outdoors, Autotrader, Halfords, Timpson Group, WeBuyAnyCar, Vertu Motors, Select Car Leasing, Confused, MoneySupermarket, The Very Group, Jet2, TUI, Flixbus, Sykes Cottages, The Travel Chapter, Club Med, On the Beach, Talk Talk, Virgin Media, Vodafone, O2, Merlin Entertainments, Interflora, Bloom & Wild, Dominos, Arla Foods, Holland & Barrett, Bettys & Taylors of Harrogate, The Gym Group, PureGym, Nuffield Hospitals, NHS, Bupa, Well Pharmacy, Priory Group, Currentbody,, ProCook, Beko, Betfred, Sky Betting & Gaming, Ladbrokes, William Hill, Rayware Group, Irwin Mitchell, Slater & Gordon, Jellycat, The Perfume Shop, The Fragrance Shop, Fox Group International and many many more…


Navigating the Digital Landscape: Key Trends for 2024

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Key Trends for 2024

As part of the build-up to next month’s Digital Strategy & Performance edition of Digital Superchats, we wanted to take a closer look at some of the biggest trends that will shape the digital marketing landscape in 2024.

The world of digital marketing is evolving at a fast pace and staying ahead of the curve has never been more crucial for success. Several trends are shaping the future of digital marketing, revolutionizing how brands connect with their audiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key digital marketing trends that are set to dominate in 2024.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Integration:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are no longer futuristic concepts but integral components of successful digital marketing strategies. In 2024, we can expect AI to become even more sophisticated, enabling marketers to personalize content, analyze consumer behaviour, and predict trends with unprecedented accuracy. Chatbots, powered by AI, will continue to enhance customer interactions, providing real-time assistance and improving overall user experience.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences:

As technology advances, so do consumer expectations. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are set to play a more significant role in digital marketing campaigns in 2024. Brands will leverage AR to allow customers to virtually experience products before making a purchase decision. VR, on the other hand, will create immersive brand experiences, transporting users to virtual worlds that engage and captivate, leaving a lasting impact on brand perception.

Voice Search Optimization:

With the rise of smart speakers and voice-activated assistants, optimizing for voice search is no longer an option but a necessity. In 2024, digital marketers will need to adapt their SEO strategies to accommodate the conversational nature of voice searches. Long-tail keywords and natural language processing will become crucial elements for businesses aiming to secure a spot in the competitive landscape of voice-activated search results.

Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Security:

As data privacy concerns continue to grow, blockchain technology is emerging as a solution to reinforce security in digital marketing. Blockchain ensures transparency and immutability, making it an ideal tool for preventing ad fraud, ensuring the authenticity of user data, and fostering trust between businesses and consumers. In 2024, we can expect more marketers to explore the potential of blockchain in building secure and transparent digital ecosystems.

Personalized Content at Scale:

Personalization has been a buzzword in digital marketing for some time now, but in 2024, it’s not just about addressing customers by their first names. Advanced personalization algorithms will enable marketers to create highly tailored content that resonates with individual preferences and behaviours. From personalized product recommendations to dynamically generated content, businesses will leverage technology to deliver a personalized and seamless customer experience across various channels.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

In an era where consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental and social impact of their choices, sustainability and social responsibility will take centre stage in digital marketing. Brands that align themselves with meaningful causes and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability will resonate better with consumers. In 2024, we can expect more businesses to integrate environmental and social initiatives into their digital marketing strategies, fostering a positive brand image and connecting with socially conscious consumers.


As we embark on a new year, the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses. Embracing these trends and staying agile in the face of technological advancements will be crucial for those aiming not just to survive but to thrive in the competitive digital space. Whether it’s leveraging the power of AI, embracing immersive technologies, or championing sustainability, the key to successful digital marketing in 2024 lies in adaptability and a forward-thinking approach.

*This post was part of a ChatGPT experiment

If you’d like to learn more about the key challenges and opportunities for accelerating online performance in 2024, register to e-attend our upcoming Digital Superchats e-Event.

Register To e-Attend Digital Superchats #12


Future-Proofing your SEO Strategy & Performance

Future-Proofing your SEO Strategy: Unlocking the Opportunities of Generative AI

At our 11th online edition of Digital Superchats (SEO Strategy & Performance), our panel of speakers examined a number of topical industry issues from unlocking the opportunities of generative AI to implementing a successful E-E-A-T strategy.

The online session on Tuesday 24th October was e-attended by 100+ senior digital marketers from many of the UK’s biggest and most reputable brands in retail, fashion, ecommerce, finance, travel, legal, healthcare, leisure & lifestyle, automotive and consumer products.

Delegates included: Barclays, Sainsbury’s, Superdry, French Connection, Sharps, Farfetch, Wickes, Dominos, Vodafone, The Gym Group, Castore, inov-8, Pooch & Mutt, Pets at Home, Vertu Motors, On The Beach and many many more…

The Talks:

  • Future-Proofing your SEO Strategy: Unlocking the Opportunities of Generative AI                  
  • Brand vs Non-Brand Traffic: Why You Don’t Want To Miss Out On Either 
  • How to Reduce your Reliance on Paid Search with SEO 
  • The Missing E: How to Demonstrate First-Hand Experience in Your E-E-A-T Strategy 

A massive thanks to all our speakers: James Bentham (Head of SEO at Search Laboratory), Ben Garry (SEO Lead at Impression), Paul Norris (Organic Director at Journey Further) and Olivia Day (SEO Lead at Digitaloft).

A special thanks to  our official recruitment sponsor – Forward Role Recruitment and to  Jamie Pollard (Impression) for doing a fantastic job in his role as MC!

Watch the “Official Video Recording” from Digital Superchats #11 below (Complimentary)

Humans v Machines: Harnessing The Power of AI

Humans v Machines: Harnessing The Power of AI

At our 10th edition of Digital Superchats which took place on Tuesday 4th July 2023, our panel of industry leaders examined the rise and impact of AI in digital. 

The online session was e-attended by a quality delegation of senior digital marketers from many of the UK’s biggest, most reputable and fastest-growing brands in retail, finance, travel, legal services, healthcare, online gambling, consumer products and other popular verticals.

Some of our delegates included: Barclays, Virgin Money, Lloyds Banking Group, Decathlon UK, Gymshark, Wickes, Dunelm, Boots, Damart, Asda, Matalan, B&Q, Dominos, Virgin Media, Bensons for Beds, Staysure Group, Pooch & Mutt, Pets at Home, Dr Martens, Hippo Motor Group, Vertu Motors, On The Beach, Sykes Cottages, ProCook and many many more…

Talks Included:

      1. Unlocking Efficiency with AI and Automation (Katie Barnard, SEO Strategist at Impression)
      2. Ensuring Your AI SEO Strategy Doesn’t Fall Foul of Google (Dan Taylor, Head of Technical SEO at
      3. The Future of AI in Global Content Creation and SEO: Opportunities and Risks (Martin Calvert, Marketing Director at ICS-digital)
      4. AI in PPC: Humans vs Machines (Will Levitt, Group Head of Paid Media at connective3)

A massive thanks to all our speakers, including our official sponsor – Forward Role Recruitment for making the event possible and also a special mention to Smoking Gun’s Rick Guttridge  for doing a brilliant job in his role as MC!

To catch-up on any of our previous episodes of Digital Superchats, simply visit our On-Demand Events library and you can select the event you’d like to watch!

Digital Superchats Group

Another Superb Turnout at Digital Superchats

Another Superb Turnout at Digital Superchats

The 9th installment of Digital Superchats continued to set the pace with another fantastic turnout of delegates who e-attended the online session on SEO Strategy. 

The session was e-attended by a strong roster of senior digital marketers from many of the UK’s most reputable brands in retail, finance, travel, legal services, healthcare, online gambling, consumer products and other popular verticals.

Speakers & Talks Included:

  • Formulating and Creating a Scalable Content Strategy (Luke O’Leary, VP Media Strategy & Operations at NP Digital UK)
  • Harnessing Power from Google’s Free Tools (Charlie Norledge, Head of SEO Performance at Impression)
  • SEO Prioritisation: Knowing Where to Focus Efforts for Maximum Impact (James Brockbank, Founder & MD at Digitaloft)
  • Why Content Should be the Cornerstone of your Cross-Channel Strategy (Hannah Brady, Senior Content Strategist at connective3)

A massive thanks to all our speakers, including our official sponsor – Forward Role Recruitment for making the event possible and also a special shoutout to the wonderful Mikey Emery (Impression) for doing a Top Job in his role as MC!

Digital Superchats Group