Talks at Digital Superchats #14

Talk 1. ComplE-E-A-T: Expanding the SEO Principle with Additional User Considerations
📢 Petar Jovetic, Organic Director at Impression

Petar Jovetic, Organic Director at Impression

The cat is out the bag! With key information now in the public domain from last year’s US vs. Google antitrust case and this year’s Google algorithm leak, we can now confirm with a high degree of confidence that user clicks are incorporated into the ranking equation.

However, an often overlooked component is how digital experience (DX) teams can support SEO in understanding and influencing user signals.

Join Petar’s talk on how to better integrate these teams together with Impression’s proprietary E-E-A-T framework. Once we acknowledge that this user-focused principle is just as resonant to digital experience teams as it is to SEO teams, we can start looking at additional user considerations that also maximise website performance, forming E-E-A-T+. Learn what these additional user considerations are, beyond experience, expertise, authority and trust, and how to leverage them for website success.

Key Delegate Takeaways

    1. How Google incorporates click signals into its algorithm
    2. How SEO and DX teams can learn from one another
    3. How to maximise integration between SEO & DX via E-E-A-T+ for website success

Talk 2. Link Relevance: How To Measure It & Make Sure Google Doesn’t Ignore The Links You’re Earning
📢 James Brockbank, MD & Founder at Digitaloft

James Brockbank, Digitaloft

Relevance is the hottest topic in digital PR and link building right now, and no one can agree on what it actually means, let alone how best to measure it.  And whilst earning more relevant links than your competitors strongly correlates with top rankings, the reality is that too many links that are earned aren’t anywhere near as relevant as they need to be.

But what if you knew that links that aren’t relevant are being ignored by Google? Links that cost you thousands of pounds to earn?  You’d rethink your approach to what relevance actually means and focus your efforts (and budgets) on a strategy that delivers what actually drives growth and the links that positively impact organic growth.

But how do you actually measure relevance? 

In this session, James will talk you through the process of conducting a relevance gap analysis for your site and its link profile using Natural Language Understanding. 

By understanding the topics that search engines see your site as being relevant for, and those that every page that links to you is relevant for, you’re able to build a data-driven relevance gap. 

See how relevant your link profile is to the topics you’re trying to rank for, spot the relevance gaps with competitors and be in a position to understand whether or not any link you earn is relevant… all backed by data. 

Key Delegate Takeaways: 

    1. Why link relevance matters and why Google is probably ignoring lots of your site’s links.
    2. How link relevance can be measured objectively using NLP.
    3. How relevance gap insights can be used to develop a more impactful SEO strategy.

Talk 3. SEO For YMYL Websites
📢 Amanda Walls, Director – Head of SEO at Cedarwood Digital

Amanda Walls, Director at Cedarwood Digital

This talk will discuss how YMYL websites are often held to more stringent guidelines than traditional websites, meaning that SEO and digital PR strategies really need to look beneath the surface to deliver and will provide some practical and actionable tips on how this can be achieved (also effective on non-YMYL websites)


Key Delegate Takeaways:

    1. Building effective SEO strategies for YMYL websites
    2. Understanding the impact of SEO in the YMYL space
    3. Combining SEO and digital PR effectively to boost leads and sales on YMYL websites.

Talk 4. Digital PR Is Difficult: How To Achieve SEO Success In 2024
📢 Stephanie Finch, Digital PR Director at Propellernet

Stephanie Finch, Digital PR Director at Propellernet

Digital PR is a key tactic in driving organic growth, with the best strategies not only earning links and coverage on publications your audience is reading, but also generating buzz and excitement around your brand, that in turn, will increase visibility and traffic to your site.

But with Google’s ranking factors constantly evolving and the landscape becoming more competitive, digital marketers need to be more creative than ever before in order to stay ahead of competitors. In this talk, we’ll explore the role digital PR plays in an effective organic strategy, why doing great digital PR is becoming harder, and how to use creativity to achieve maximum impact.

Key Delegate Takeaways:

    1. Why businesses need digital PR as part of their organic growth strategies in 2024
    2. Why digital PR is becoming harder, and how to overcome these challenges
    3. How to increase creativity in your team, achieve digital PR success and drive organic growth 


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